Loyalty Program

We are living in an era where loyalty is becoming extinct.  Yes extinct, like the Amur Leopard, 

the South China Tiger, or the Ivory Billed Woodpecker

Loyalty extends pretty much in warped speed.  This is reflected in the countless “Loyalty Programs” retailers have created so that consumers will return to their establishment – promising discounts.  Frequent flyer miles are competing with the growing websites where you can search for the “best price”. 

 Let’s go deeper – relationships too have suffered.  Many are focused on themselves and having their needs met – without consideration of others family or friend.  There is a sense of entitlement and an outbreak of narcissism.  Loyalty is actually expected on that one-way street – “you be loyal to me” but “hey – nothing personal” when it comes to reciprocation.

"I love you" and “we are family or "besties"– when it is convenient – in other words when it beneficial for me.  Can I come with you to this event, may I borrow some money, can you take me here, come support me or can you do me a favor?  When you say – can YOU……. The slew of excuses start flooding in… I am tired, I can’t, something came up, I don’t have any money, I have a plethora of anxieties…… But what is forgotten, is SOCIAL MEDIA – when those same excuses become miracles and posted on FB, IG, SC.  LOL you are busted. You so lose your credibility and trust. 

Be honest, although the person may not like it – it is still respected. 
The truth is, people do what they WANT to do PERIOD. 
Once you understand or except this fact – your stress and disappointment will diminish.  Whatever you are giving you are receiving.  You make the choice and create the frequency.

Loyalty is a skill – actually a virtue.  No one is perfect and we all make mistakes but do not expect it if YOU don’t give it.

Mommy's Day

This is the day that has been set aside to honor Mothers.  I was going to through shade at Hallmark but Mother' Day is acknowledged throughout the world.  Perhaps not on the same day - but celebrated nonetheless. Mothers and Fathers should be honored and celebrated.....everyday. We will all see the FB celebratory messages to/from our friends and friends of friends.

The truth is...there is no greater gift than to be a Mommy.  Yes - I said Mommy (which at 44 years old) is what I call my Mommy:)

My Mommy has always been beautiful! For those who know me...know that I am the shopping MVP...well guess who I got it from????  My Mommy... Shopping was an event for as far back as I can remember!

Yasss honey doing shows... 

My Mommy was an executive, she is a wife, daughter, sister, friend, Nana... She was always supportive of my activities, goals everything.  She loves God! She is a great listener and not shy about giving you her opinion --Virgo---. She has always honored my Daddy (because he is deserving). She is always helping people in need and extending her self via her advice, space, and prayers (to all ages).

She small in size, but huge in strength!
 I love her to the moon and back a ca-billion times plus.
I love you Mommy

My heart and prayers goes out to those whose Mommies have passed.  I can imagine (but do not want to) the loneliness and hurt you feel everyday but particularly on this day.  Please know that your Mommy is your heavenly angel.

Thank you to aunts, friends and unofficial official Godmothers who are supportive and truly take active roles in our children's lives.

Just saying.......

And, to those males who choose not to celebrate Mother's Day with their wives/girlfriends/mothers of your children because, "she is not my Mother" shame on you and you are just CHEAP.... I leave you with these prophetic words.... Boy BYE!